Tuesday 28 April 2015

APEX 5.0 and Standard Report Column

If you are using the new Page Designer in APEX 5.0, you may search for the "Standard Report Column" in the list of column types. If you switch to the component view, you will see it. In the Page Designer you don't have the old column types any more. You should choose "Plain Text" and activate the option "Escape special characters" on the bottom of the column options.


  1. Hi Denis, thx a lot!

    One remark...

    If you try to view a URL that was prepared on the database via 'APEX_UTIL.PREPARE_URL' You have to set 'Escape special characters' to 'No'...

  2. Sure. I did that as well.

    Denes Kubicek

  3. Thank you. it really helped me
