Tuesday 23 June 2015

Quick and Dirty - Refreshing a Select List of Values

This is a quick and dirty solution but it works. It shows hot to update a select list of values on demand without a lot of coding.

AJAX Callback and jQuery creating Page Items Dynamically

This example shows a couple of interesting techniques:
  • 1. How to create and use an AJAX Callback process instead of an Application Process on Demand,
  • 2. how to create a dynamic page item,
  • 3. how to modify the item display settings and reference Font Awsome icon set and finaly,
  • 4. it shows how to call an AJAX process from javascript.
This question is based on a recent forum posting where this question was asked.

Have a look and enjoy.

Sunday 14 June 2015

APEX Meetup Frankfurt

Am 26.06.2015 17.00 treffen wir uns in Frankfurt a. M. bei einem weiteren APEX Meetup. Danke an Sabine Heimsath und Moritz Klein für die Organisation. Ich zeige dort, wie man lokal eine XE Datenbank zusammen mit ORDS und Glassfish konfigurieren kann. Danach kann sehr leicht jede beliebige Version von APEX nachinstalliert werden. Der Vorteil ist, ich kann alle Features einsetzen (RESTful Services, XLS Upload) und der Austausch vo Images bzw. Konfiguration für die neue Version von APEX sind kein Problem mehr.

Die Adresse ist:

Ericsson Telekommunikation GmbH
Herriotstr. 1

Our next meetup is in Frankfurt on 26th of June. Thanks to Sabine Heimsath and Moritz Klein we will meet at Ericsson Telekommunikation GmbH Herriotstr. 1 Frankfurt. I will demonstrate how to install XE with ORDS and Glassfish and how to upgrade to APEX 5.0 on a local virtual machine.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

APEX 5.0 - Run Applications in New Tabs Part 2

In this blog posting I was showing how to get the Firefox Browser to work with tabs in APEX 5.0. It looks like APEX 5.0 was "optimized" to work in Google Chrome and the other browsers like IE and Firefox were not fully considered. I was able to make it working using the settings I described in the first post. However, the old style popup windows would also open in a new tab. Yesterday I discovered a feature I wasn't aware of. Changing the settings using that feature helped me to get everything working as it worked before. Here is what I did:
  • 1. I uninstalled all Tab-Addons in Firefox.
  • 2. The standard settings in Tools / Options / Tabs are shown in the following screenshot:
  • 3. I installed Tab Mix Plus Add-On and changed the settings as in the screenshot:
  • 4. Finaly, I changed the preferences in my workspace:
Now, the consequences were that clicking on Run Application button, would automatically open the application in a new tab:

and the classic popups like image popup would open in a new window:

The only thing is that you need to set the options for each workspace you use.
